Category: Virtual and Augmented Realities

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  • Category: Virtual and Augmented Realities
Niantic 8th Wall enhances WebAR with powerful GenAI modules

Niantic 8th Wall enhances WebAR with powerful GenAI modules

Niantic’s 8th Wall is set to enhance its WebAR platform by integrating generative AI (GenAI) modules, aiming to transform augmented reality experiences. This technological fusion offers developers, brands, and agencies enhanced creative possibilities while enriching users’ interactions with augmented reality. In recent months, developers at 8th Wall have started leveraging GenAI technologies to augment the

Snap OS debuts with developer-friendly Spectacles 5 AR glasses

Snap OS debuts with developer-friendly Spectacles 5 AR glasses

Snap, the company behind Snapchat, has announced the launch of the fifth generation of its ‘Spectacles’ augmented reality (AR) glasses. These new see-through, standalone AR glasses are designed to allow users to interact with ‘Lenses’ and experience their surroundings in innovative ways alongside friends. The latest version of Spectacles is powered by Snap OS, an

Linux Foundation launches Open Metaverse Foundation

Linux Foundation launches Open Metaverse Foundation

The Linux Foundation has launched the Open Metaverse Foundation (OMF), a nonprofit initiative aimed at promoting an open and interoperable metaverse. The foundation seeks to bring together various open-source communities and organizations to advocate for a Web3 vision that empowers individuals and creators, contrasting sharply with the centralized control often associated with Web2 platforms. Background

AOUSD unveils roadmap towards OpenUSD standardisation

AOUSD unveils roadmap towards OpenUSD standardisation

The Alliance for OpenUSD (AOUSD) has announced a roadmap that outlines its plan to establish OpenUSD (Universal Scene Description) as an international standard for interoperability in 3D scene and environment descriptions. This two-year roadmap is a strategic initiative aimed at making OpenUSD a recognized standard, with the Core Specification working group playing a crucial role.